Location: New York, United States

I'm in my mid twenties, married, employed as a nurse, and trying to live my life to the fullest. I feel like i accomplished a lot so far. I'm where i want to be in life right now. I'm happy and i'm looking forward to the future. And i wouldn't want to share it with anyone else but you Kutta!!

Friday, May 20, 2005

At Last.........

Well, helloooooooo!!! I know i haven't wrote a blog in a loooooooong time but i have been extremely busy as usual. At last, i'm at work and i'm finally caught up with my patients so i figure i'll fill you in on what's going on in my world. As i mentioned before, Me and saji are going away to Virginia this sunday. So i've been working a lot to make up my one week off. And i have had the same patient (with a heavy load) for the last 2 weeks. I finally had a break today. The few days i had off have been hectic as well. We have been doing yard work and gardening. Well, we are trying :) It's been a learning experience for both of us. I have to say though saji has been obsessed about the freakin lawn. At first, he was scared to touch the lawnboy, now he can't stop. It has taken over our lives.... okay, it's not that bad :) LOL!!
What else? As far as family, i don't think i'm giving them the attention they deserve. Although they are the most important priority in my life, i just feel that i'm not doing my best to preserve my relationships. But because they are family, they understand. Actually i call my parents everyday and i'm always on the phone with saji, especially since we don't see each other as much as we want. As far as in-laws, i'm terrible with keeping in touch, which is NOT something i'm proud of. I guess you can say, i'm still adjusting to having such a big addition to my family. Although it's not intentional, i forget to call them on a daily basis but i do talk to them atleast twice a week. Saji complains because i don't talk to his parents as much as i talk to mine. He is good about calling my peeps. Like i said, i feel guilty about it and it's not intentional but there is no excuse. So i need to start changing my routine a little. Ever since we got married, my so called "routine" has not been the same. It's been a lot of change and so far everything has worked out for the best. And for the better! I love his parents, as much as i love mine. They are two amazing individuals, who did an awesome job raising such a wonderful, thoughtful son. And i'm forever grateful to them. While i was working my three days in a row, my mom-n-law cooked and delivered meals to our house. I mean, my mom doesn't even do that. Of course, whenever i go home, she always packs something for us but she never come and deliver it to my house. I'm so lucky to have such great in-laws, so the least i can do is call them everyday, right?
Speaking of moms, my mom has been a little down lately. It was appachan's 3 year death anniversary last week. My mom is very close to her parents, since she is the youngest (they always have such a special realtionship with their parents). She never quite gotten over the loss of her father. So whenever the anniversary comes around, she gets really depressed. Well since i haven't been the best daughter, you see we don't even talk about our emotions in our family. It just explodes when it does.. Anyway, my mom has been keeping it all in, and she got into a little car accident last week while getting her car out of the parking lot at work. She is fine but the cars aren't. Let's just say, my dad isn't very happy these days.. He had just bought a new car prior to this accident and was hoping to sell the other one. Oh well, sometimes things don't work out the way we want but i'm just grateful nothing serious happened to Mom. We had a special memorial service for appachan last sunday at my Uncle's church. It was nice to be there together as a family. Although all the family weren't present, it was still special. There is so much about my family that i don't understand, or i have stopped trying to figure out. Let's just say, they are quite stubborn people who never learned to forgive one another. I'm talking about my mom's siblings who never learned to get a long with one another. I certainly hope that we don't do the same thing to our own siblings. I love my brother dearly and i hope we always have such special relationship. I hope we don't act like kids when we are adults.
You know what else i'm disappointed about? I haven't talked to my Ammachi and saji's grandparents since we got back from India. I have yet to call to see how they are doing. Man, do i have my priorities screwed up. I feel so selfish to be so focused on just the two of us and our jobs. I seriously have to work on improving my family ties with everyone.
I also lost in touch with a few of my friends as well. Although i have talked to two of my friends that i haven't talked to in a while recently. So i guess i'm doing better in that category. It's just so hard to balance everything in life that matters. Something gotta give, hopefully it's the right one.
I'm still contemplating on jobs and school. It's a blur right now. I'm having such a hard time deciding. I keep changing my mind and i'm driving saji NUTS with my indecisiveness. Aren't you glad i didn't do the same with you? HA! I followed my heart and i have to learn to do that again...........
Well, i need to get back to work. One more night and i'm off for a week baby! YIPPIE!! :)
by the way i just want to give my appreciation to those of you who takes the time to read my looooooong blogs. It's nice to know that you miss me, when i don't write. And just for the record, i just want to give a shout out to Jason from Florida. You have officially been mentioned AGAIN in my blog. Don't you feel so special now? LOL :)