Location: New York, United States

I'm in my mid twenties, married, employed as a nurse, and trying to live my life to the fullest. I feel like i accomplished a lot so far. I'm where i want to be in life right now. I'm happy and i'm looking forward to the future. And i wouldn't want to share it with anyone else but you Kutta!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Weekend of Work :(

I haven't wrote a blog in a while. It's because all i have been doing is working night shift this whole weekend except for sunday and sleeping during the day. And the whole weekend was such beautiful weather. Just my luck, last weekend rained endlessly! :(
Anyway going back to last thursday, i did an odd shift from 3 pm to 11pm at my old job (i still work there per-diem). So there i was driving home from work at 12 am, and i heard sirens behind me. I was on the phone with my hubby (on my hands-free head set). It took me a minute or more to realize that the sirens were directed to me. I got off the phone quick and i pulled over. I was so nervous. While the cop was looking over my profile, another cop car came and parked infront of me, blocking me. Mind you, it's mid-night and there is hardly any cars on the road. I was so scared. I don't trust Cops at all, especially when i'm alone at night. I was imagining all the horrible stories that you hear on the news. Anyway the first cop came back and informed that he became concerned when i didn't initally pull over so that's why he called back-up. He thought i was trying to get away. I had to laugh! I had no idea the whole time that the sirens were directed to me. Anyway we all had a laugh and he let me go. It took me longer to get home that nite but i was so relieved. And i promised myself that i'm never doing that shift again, especially with the long commute. What was i thinking??
On Saturday after working the night before, i got home, ate my breakfast and went to bed at 9 am. At 11 am, the secretary called me from work about a disaster drill and they wanted to know how long it would take me to get to work? But it's only a drill. They woke up me from a deep sleep to ask me that! I was so upset because once i'm woken up, it's so difficult to fall back asleep. And i didn't! On top of that, saji was home, going in and out of the bedroom. Of course, he was doing his best to not to wake me up. Anyway when i finally did fall back asleep, the damn alarm clock went off. I get very cranky when i don't get my sleep, especially when i have to go back to work. So i was extra cranky that night. And of course i took it out on my poor husband. I'm sorry kutta! And you were so good, got so much done while i was attempting to sleep. Even though i didn't appreciate it then, i do now :)
Sunday was my only day off and we had a dinner at Saji's aunt's house. We had dinner and watched our Wedding DVD. It looks like they still haven't fixed it fully. It'll probably be another month before it'll get fixed again. Eventually we'll have our DVD, the way we want it! It's so moving to watch our special day played over again. :)
Back to the present, It's almost 6 in the morning on Tuesday. I just worked another 12 hour shift and it's getting busy now. So i gotta finish some things up before the next crew gets in. It's been nice catching up.
God Bless!!


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