Location: New York, United States

I'm in my mid twenties, married, employed as a nurse, and trying to live my life to the fullest. I feel like i accomplished a lot so far. I'm where i want to be in life right now. I'm happy and i'm looking forward to the future. And i wouldn't want to share it with anyone else but you Kutta!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Where to begin??

Well, It's been a very loooooooooong time since i wrote a blog and as always i have a lot to catch up on but where to begin?
Last week was too hectic, hence, i didn't get a chance to write anything. Work, work and more work. Then the Holy weekend! Friday was spend entirely in Church re-living The Passion of the Christ. In our culture, we call Good Friday, Sad Friday, which essentially it is. It's the saddest day in Christianity, where our Lord Savior suffered and died for us. Sad Friday always gets me so emotional. After church, we came home and relaxed for a few. Then we went to our friend Ann's house in Yonkers where Her cousins and our cousins got together to watch Mel Gibson's, The Passion of Christ. It was my second time watching the movie and it still tears me up inside. It's one of the best movies ever made. So Powerful!!
The next day was spent also in Church. We had a special prayer in memory of all our deceased relatives. It was such a special service, we all brought candles to light for our deceased relatives. The candles are aligned in the shape of a Cross. I lit one each for my Appachan and Ammachi. It saddens me to think i never get to see them again and they never got a chance to meet Saj. I hope they are proud. After church, we came home and did some cleaning around the house. Then, we went to my parent's house for dinner and hang out with my lil bro. :)
Well Easter didn't start out so great for me. I was planning on wearing this Kashavu sari but i messed up twice and i had no patience for it that morning. Most importantly we wanted to get to church on time for the service. We have been slacking in getting to church on time on Sundays. So i put on my Salwar and Saj drove like a mad man, and we did get to church on time. It was a beautiful service. And the Kids program was very nice, They sang so well :) Although i was disappointed things didn't go as planned. All the girls wore their best sarees and i felt left out. Then again, Easter is not about appearances, i was able to take part in the whole service. That's all it matters. Finally, we were able to eat some MEAT!! YIPPIE :)
Then sunday night, i was off to work. It was my first night shift at the new place.. with a new preceptor. It was a quiet night for the most part, a good way to start. It's going to take me a while to get used to the change but i still love the short commute. I can see my husband in the morning before he goes to work. That counts for a lot:) I hate being on orientation though because you have to prove yourself to every new preceptor and need to learn all the new policies and paper work. But i'm adjusting for the most part.
Yesterday evening was my first night off and i went grocery shopping. I made a very spicy chicken curry.. My husband can vouch for that!! Can i say "Colitis"?. LOL!! I have to learn to add enough spices without burning up the stomach lining.. Practice makes Perfect.. Anyway, it tasted good. I was looking forward to spending some quality time with my hubby but just our luck, he had some major problem to fix at work so he didn't get home until late at night. I'm glad we got a chance to have dinner and some wine together. And we both slept like babies...
I slept late into the morning today because i had to work tonight. I got some errands done and took a small nap and off to work....
Now, i'm sitting here bored out of my mind, drinking a very concentrated Coffee. I added more scoops of coffee powder than needed but atleast i'm still awake. I'm glad i got a chace to catch up on my blogging. I'll try my best to write regularly. Well, let me get back to work now.
God Bless!!!


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