Location: New York, United States

I'm in my mid twenties, married, employed as a nurse, and trying to live my life to the fullest. I feel like i accomplished a lot so far. I'm where i want to be in life right now. I'm happy and i'm looking forward to the future. And i wouldn't want to share it with anyone else but you Kutta!!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Catching up!

I haven't wrote a blog in a while and i have a lot to write. But i'll try to keep it short..
Where to start? let's see, well i'm done with the first week of orientation at my new job. It was a LONG week of listening to speeches, watching silly videos and learning new paper work. How exciting! UGH!! Some of their policies are so silly but anyway i like it for the most part. Everyone is so friendly which goes a long way. And the commute is so much better except the one time i was stuck on Rt 9A due to an accident and inclement weather. I was an hour late to work, not the way to make a good impression but there was nothing i could do. Oh well!

On Wednesday when i came home from work and shopping, i was informed by our friendly neighbor that we have a black out on our street. Nothing like coming home to find out there is no electricity. Thank God i picked up a Pizza along the way. Anyway, we only moved in a few months ago and we never thought about buying a flash light. So there i was walking around with a candle light. It's a little spooky going up the stairs with a candle. Darkness scares me so i was so happy when the power came back. Thank God we didn't have to wait too long!! The things one take for granted.
On Thursday evening, i found out that my Aunt's father passed away in India. He has been sick for a while. The worst thing is when we were in India a month ago, we didn't get a chance to visit him. The trip was too short to visit everyone. It was a total marathon with no rest. Still, i feel horrible that we didn't get a chance to see him and now he is gone. Because i felt so guilty and my aunt was leaving the next day for India, we drove to Upstate to visit my Aunt and attended the prayer meeting. By the time we came back, it was late and i had to get up early on Friday because it was my first day orienting on my Unit. I was able to make it on time. By the end of the day, i was so sleepy especially watching the boring video on i don't even remember what it was about, customer service or whatever... blah blah blah.....
Friday night, we went to see the movie, Bride and Prejudice at the Palisades mall. It's Aishwarya's first cross over to Hollywood film. Well, one piece of advice for her- Stick with Hindi movies. The movie sucked! It wasn't just her, the whole English musical with Indian theme just didn't go very well. To make it worse, it was snowing hard when we left at midnight. It was scary going through Bear Mountain while it was snowing at night. The only person i trust with driving under such condition is my hubby. He is such a cautious driver. One more reason i love him... We were so happy to be back home safe. Gotta love the adventures Saj!! :)
Anywho today was spend sleeping in late and doing laundry, and cleaning the house. What Fun!
The best part of the day was attending the prayer meeting in Yonkers. And i was able to fight the temptaion of eating beef curry and fried chicken.. I'm not breaking my Lent for nothing.. It was still so tempting. I'm proud of myself for resisting it.. A few more weeks. I can do it!!
OH one more thing before i wrap this up. We have a new addition to our family. Leo, our newest member. Saji's cousin Joby's first born baby boy. We haven't seen him yet. He was born March 11, 2005 at 6:15 pm. Welcome to the family Leo!! Can't wait to meet you :)
I told you i had a lot to write.. Okay time to go to bed now!
Love ya!!!!!!


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