Location: New York, United States

I'm in my mid twenties, married, employed as a nurse, and trying to live my life to the fullest. I feel like i accomplished a lot so far. I'm where i want to be in life right now. I'm happy and i'm looking forward to the future. And i wouldn't want to share it with anyone else but you Kutta!!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

A Man of Conviction: Pope John Paul II

This has been one gloomy weekend. I was looking forward to a whole weekend off but the weather just plain sucked. Well i guess April rain will bring May flowers..
We also lost our dearly beloved Mar Papa, John Paul II on April 2, 2005. There is no question that he was a Man of true integrity, A man of conviction and Faith. He was also as President Bush described him "A champion of freedom." Well it truly saddens me that He is gone but i am convinced that he is in Heaven and will continue to look after us. We miss you! RIP Pope John Paul II 1920-2005.
This weekend started out with a dinner for me and Saj, and our friends Ann & Bobby at Ann's aunt's house on Friday. We are the Newly-weds at Church. Unfortunately Bobby couldn't make it but it was definitely good time. And i was stuffed, Yum Yum!! WE stopped by Saji's Aunt's house in Yonkers on our way home. When we got home, we were busy cleaning up the house for Our dinner on Saturday.
WE had planned a dinner for OUR PARENTS saturday night. We haven't had them over together in a while and it is my mom's b-day coming up on the 5th. So me and Saj cooked dinner all day while it was raining heavy outside. And unfortunately, the rain really got in the way of traveling. So my folks couldn't make it but Thank God, Saj's parents and Bro came over. And we ate Chicken Parmigiana and Salad for appetizer while watching Star Wars: Episode II and we had Rice, Lamb curry, fish curry and Spinach thoran for the main course, And of course Apple-Pie for dessert. Well somebody had to eat all that food that we spent cooking all day. And we have left-overs for the rest of the week :) :) It's always good time bonding with the In Laws.
Today, we actually woke up on time (even with the Day-light Savings time). I wore my silk navy sari with a lot of glitter and we were on time to Church. Definitely a good start! It was a beautiful service, remembering our beloved Pope. After church, we got invited to Lunch at Francis Uncle's house. And you definitely don't turn Francis uncle down. He is an AMAZING cook. And it was amazing. :)
So after all the calories we ingested in the last two days, we definitely needed to work out. I finally used our new Elliptical machine. I haven't exercised in over a year. So i'm going to feel some pain tomorrow. But it's all good, need to start somewhere, rite?
God Bless!!!


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