Location: New York, United States

I'm in my mid twenties, married, employed as a nurse, and trying to live my life to the fullest. I feel like i accomplished a lot so far. I'm where i want to be in life right now. I'm happy and i'm looking forward to the future. And i wouldn't want to share it with anyone else but you Kutta!!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Walking Tall

I had an Awesome weekend, it definitely made up for last weekend. My brother Jary came over friday night. We went grocery shopping for dinner And stopped by Blockbuster and picked up 2 DVD's, Ray and Walking Tall. Unfortunately, i couldn't get any chick-flicks. OH well! By the time we got back, Saji was home from work. And while jary played his video games, saji attempted to help me make Chicken Parm and Ziti, until he sprayed marinara sauce all over himself and the kitchen. OOPS! It was actually my fault, i thought he knew it was open before he man-handled it LOL!!! It's always a joy cooking with Saj :) Neverthelsess, we had a wonderful dinner filled with some heavy discussions about college planning. Jary is a junior in high-school and he has been looking at colleges. He is so focused on RPI, his dream school and he wants to major in bio-medical engineering.. And he doesn't know much about any other schools or programs. So we encouraged him to look into other four colleges and broaden his major of interest a little. I don't want him to get discouraged if he doesn't get into RPI or if his major doesn't work out. It's always good to have plan B. He is going through what every high-schooler goes through at this time. He doesn't know for sure what he wants to do and he is frustrated but all we can do, as his siblings is to help him get through this confused adolescent stage. It's all too familiar! I have faith that he'll make the right choice with God's will. After dinnerand the heart to heart, we watched Walking Tall with my favorite wrestler, the Rock! :) It was a great movie, with great visual effects, CALIENTE!!!!!
Saturday was spent doing household chores: cooking, cleaning, laundry. I was able to squeeze in some time for exercise. I have been slacking, again.... In the evening, I went and dropped Jary off at my parent's house while saji went to his friend's bachelor party at some Brazilian steak house. Apparently, they serve various kinds of meat. Anyway, while he was pigging out, I had my favorite Poori and lamb curry with my parents. It was quite yummy!!!
Now we are both back home and ready for bed. Well, saji is already snoring on the couch. We have to get up early for church in the morning so Good Night and God Bless!


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