Location: New York, United States

I'm in my mid twenties, married, employed as a nurse, and trying to live my life to the fullest. I feel like i accomplished a lot so far. I'm where i want to be in life right now. I'm happy and i'm looking forward to the future. And i wouldn't want to share it with anyone else but you Kutta!!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

My "Support System"

I took a big step yesterday. I actually woke up early to go to an open house at College of New Rochelle. I haven't been motivated to go back to school, to finish my Master's that I started before my wedding. Actually i only took 3 courses. I have not felt really enthusiastic about restarting it. Mostly because i feel that i make a decent income now and i don't really know what i want to do with a Master's in Nursing. Besides with the morgage and other expenses, we don't have much money to spend on expensive college education. And with college and a full-time job, being a Wife with a house to take care of, when am i ever going to have time to just relax? I can come up with a million excuses but they are just excuses. But thanks to my supportive husband and family who convinced me to finish what i started. So now i'm planning on going back to school next fall. The problem now is choosing the right college. I can always continue on at Mount where i started or go somewhere else and CNR is my other choice (i narrowed it down to one). So i got up early and drove to the Westchester Mall, where Saji was meeting me. I did some window shopping while waiting for Saj. I can never afford anything there with my budget but it doesn't hurt to look. Then we drove together to the campus. It's a pretty campus, with gray-stone buildings resembling an old castle. I met with the Director of the Nursing program. I also met with the Dean briefly, who made a comment, "I see that you brought your support system along." And who could ask for a better cheerleader? :) Well anyay, I got some useful info.I'm interested in their Acute care NP program. So far, i like their program but now i just have to weigh the pros and cons. For one thing, it's a longer commute than Mount and they are only going to accept one of my classes to transfer. Decisions, decisions....
After the visit, we went to eat dinner at Malabar Hill in White Plains. We weren't really happy with the food but i got my favorite Masala Dosai. Yum Yum!!
Anyway now i'm at work, another quiet night... I'm looking forward to two nights off this weekend. And i heard the weather is going to be nice, finally! I'm going to have to go pick my brother up today from my parents, he is coming for a sleep-over. It's his spring break! It has been a while since he slept over so it should be fun :) TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!


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