Location: New York, United States

I'm in my mid twenties, married, employed as a nurse, and trying to live my life to the fullest. I feel like i accomplished a lot so far. I'm where i want to be in life right now. I'm happy and i'm looking forward to the future. And i wouldn't want to share it with anyone else but you Kutta!!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Best Moments of 2006

After seeing Sue's post, I decided to write a 2006 review of my most favorite memories..
Overall, it was a wonderful year with many revelations, adventures, forming new friendships and renewing old ones and making dreams come true......
As far as making dreams come true, with my beloved Saji's help, I've decided to go back to Grad school to pursue my NP career.. This not only helped me stay focused, but helped me juggle all of my responsibilities. I must admit, i'm doing a pretty good job so far :)
As far as my RN career, I'm fortuanate to work in a prestigious institution where i learn something new every day. From working here, i also learned how to deal with difficult people and stay strong for my own well being. Working at a fast paced ICU means a lot of hard work, which takes a toll on my body requiring serious Physical Therapy.. For the first time in my young adult life, i've come to the realization that I have to take care of myself first so i can take care of others..
Over the last year, we had the privilege of sharing many happy moments with our family & friends..
1, Arrival of Our good friends Ann & Bobby's first baby boy Jordan.. Jordan made me realize that i have to speed up my grad school business so i can bring a bundle of joy into this world :) Soon after Jordan's arrival, Rohit came to the world confirming the same...
2, This was also the year where all of our siblings graduated.. Gigi and Reji from College and Jary from HS.. It was great to witness their accomplishments and celebrate it with them.
3, With graduation came bittersweet feelings... My lil baby brother going all the way to Buffalo for College.. I learned a lot about parenting and letting go through this experience. It was an adjustment for all of us and i'm praying it only gets better...
4, We also took part in Our Cousin Benny & Biju's wedding who both followed their hearts and showed us all the power of Love, it can overcome anything...
5, It was also the year of renewing friendships and relationships.. My most treasured being our relationship with my cousins, Matt N Tabs. We've gotten to be so much closer this year, partly to do with their move to Beacon..
6, Although we didn't go out of the country this year, I certainly enjoyed our trip to Las Vegas and Boston.. It confirmed my desire to travel the whole world with Saji :) I hope we can make that dream come true.. winning a lottery would certainly help..
7, This was also the year Saji got a new job, a place closer to home in a small company that will help him reach his potential.
8, Over the last year, we have hosted many get togethers at our home.. Sajiji Shindig, dinners, Christmas party...
9, It was also the year that we befriended our sweet neighbors, Cacilda & George. We became their adopted kids in a very short time..
10, Another significant event that I got to participate in was the Malankara Catholic Convention, 2006.. The convention helped me grow in my Malankara Catholic faith and helped me appreciate the culture.. It also made me realize that I have to become more active in Church in order to help it florish to it's full potential.
11, Finally, this was the year that I got to connect with so many new friends through joining the Fotolog... I'm so glad i joined and got to finally meet some of the girls in person @ Nina's wedding. I'm learning a lot about myself and realized how much we all have in common... I'm looking forward to the rest of the ride :)

I'm so glad i got a chance to reflect and I thank God for His many Blessings... I pray that He continues to watch over all of us and guide us in the right path as 2006 come to an end and throughout the new year..............


Anonymous Anonymous said...


A little birdie told me that you had a fotolog (unfortunately for some reason, I can't see most of the pictures at work). I'll try to go thru it at home though.

I just finished reading your blogs!

You're so sweet and earnest in your entries :)

Update, girl!!!

10:36 AM  

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