A New Start

Location: New York, United States

I'm in my mid twenties, married, employed as a nurse, and trying to live my life to the fullest. I feel like i accomplished a lot so far. I'm where i want to be in life right now. I'm happy and i'm looking forward to the future. And i wouldn't want to share it with anyone else but you Kutta!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Happy New Year!!

Wow i can't believe it's another year already! Time is Flying!! I know i haven't written a blog in a looooooooooooooong time. What can i say? Life is hectic as usual. I've been meaning to write for the last few weeks. Although this new year had started out great, this last week absolutely sucked. I came down with the Flu (even though i got the flu vaccine). I went to work on Wednesday feeling crappy and progressively got worse, started getting a fever. I went to the Employee Health and the doctor there told me to go home and put me on Antibiotics. Meanwhile my charge nurse and Manager wasn't happy to hear that because they were down a nurse. Who cares how i felt? Once again i realize i work with a bunch of people who doesn't give a damn about anyone but themselves. At least i have one person @ work i can call a friend, Suzie. She was so sweet, she even volunteered to work for me on Monday so i don't use up all my sick time. Anyway poor Saji had to come pick me up from work and by the next day i was feeling worse. So bad that i even had a fainting episode. I never felt so scared before. I went to my Primary care MD and he diagnosed me with the Flu and by then Saji started getting some symptoms as well. So anyway both of us have been stuck home for the past few days, drinking soups, and taking evey OTC drugs possible and watching movies. It was a Blockbuster night yesterday. WE saw Wedding Crashers and Meet The Fockers. WEdding Crashers is sooooooooo hysterical. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn are a riot!!
Saji has been so wonderful taking care of me. I'm sorry i gave you the flu though :( WE are starting to feel a little better now. Actually we finally stepped out of our Cocoon to shop @ Cosco today, of course it had to rain though. I even got a Facial done, it's been long overdue. It was at an Indian Salon, the woman who did my face practically left a big bruise on my nose, SHe just went a little nuts trying to remove all my black-heads from my nose. This is why i don't get them done, i hate putting myself through pain. AWW!! Anyway, my face feels smoother though. That's what i keep telling myself! Why do we as Women torture ourselves to look good, while Men grow facial hair and it makes them lood rugged?? So Unfair!!
What else has been going on? Well i got into PACE, i'm planning on starting this January but unfortunately it's been a little frustrating trying to coordinate my work schedule and class schedule. This one class that i can acutally take this semester i found out yesterday is a Web/Video assisted class, i wish i had known that a head of time. Becuase i've been running around tyring to finsih all the paper work for my Health Clearance to take this class. Now i have no idea what to do. Hopefully i have a better idea on Tuesday when i go for the Orientation.
What else? It was my birthday this past Monday. I turned 25. It's been a quarter of a century in Planet Earth. Huh, i guess it's down hill from now?? :) Actually i'm looking forward to this year. I thank God for everything He has blessed me with: my family, my home, my wonderful husband, my job and most importantly my health and happiness. I pray that He continue to shower his Blessings upon me. Amen!! Life is just too short to take for granted.
Well there is so much more to write but i'm getting tired. We were supposed to go to Ann & Bobby's Baby shower today, but we don't want to spread our germes. I'm disappointed we can't go though. OH well, back to the movies, we have Four Brothers and The Notebook to watch today.
Take care and God Bless!!!